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Coronary Artery and Risk Detection Initiative in Appalachian Counties (CARDIAC) Project

The CARDIAC Project has partnered with WVU Extension's Family Nutrition Program to provide support for families interested in learning about healthier eating. The programs available are listed below with descriptions. â€‹

Eating Smart, Being Active

Class for adults interested in learning about nutrition and how to prepare healthy, low-cost meals. Participants receive items such as food thermometers, measuring spoons, and recipes. 

All family members are welcome to participate!

Teen Cuisine

teaches youth (6th-12th grade) life skills for maintaining a healthy body. Participants learn basic nutrition and cooking skills and receive a workbook with recipes and prizes at each session. 

All family members are welcome to participate. 

Farmers Market Vouchers or Fresh Produce Box

Each family will receive up to $100 in produce from local farms either in the form of vouchers to shop at a local farmers market, a CSA box of produce or meal kits. 


Home Gardening Education & Support

Participate in hands-on gardening education provided by Health Educators or WVU Extension agriculture agents. 

Dietary Counseling

Receive advice from a Registered/Licensed Dietitian via phone or Skype. Up to three 30-minute sessions are available and participants will receive support to develop personalized meal plans and behavior modification strategies. 


Contact: Kristin McCartney at (304) 356-1310 or

Please include in your email/message your name, child's name, county, and the programs you are interested in participating in.

Some programs may have limits on the numbers of participants and may be offered on a first come, first serve basis. 


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